Bravo Trumpet (French-Canadian Folk Song: On the Wing; Barratt: Hopak - Modal Lament - Ferryside - Fanfaronade - Serenade - Live Wire - Beanfeast - Howling-bags - Ballyhoo! - Chorale - Out-of-step March - Hampton "Swing" - Round "Square Dance" - Fivepins - Minimalist; Schmitt: Moderato; Bull: Brunwicks Toy; Kabalevsky: Two Dances; Schubert: German Dance; Haydn: Minuet; Scottish Folk Song: The Night Visiting Song; Clarke: The Duke of Gloucesters March; French Folk Song: Morning Song; Traditional: St James Infirmary; 16th-Century Morris Dance: Staines Morris; Pachulski: Song of the Harvesters; Old English Dance: Gathering Peascods)