Go with the Flow - Twenty One Original Flow Study Etudes (Looking for a flow study etude book, but tired of the lack of variety in the market place? While there are other flow study etudes available, Go With The Flow breaks from the norm by compiling twenty-one, modern-sounding flow study etudes into a single compilation. Most available etudes are very traditional sounding, and are rooted in simple, tertian harmony. Many date back more than a hundred years and their maturity is clearly linked to their sound. Although Go With The Flow does not break from the “moving long tones” concept (“moving long tones” is an alternative term for “flow study”), it does take the musical aspects a step further than other existing studies do. The etudes in Go With The Flow are skillfully composed to reflect modern times, making them easier to identify with and a more natural choice for todays musician. For something as commonly used and with so little material to draw from as flow studies, Go With the Flow offers a convenient way to add some much-needed variety to the musicians daily routine. It is highly recommended for classical musicians seeking fresh material. This 43-page book is spiral-bound for easy reading and comfortable use on a music stand)