All-State Prep (If you are a high school trumpet player and you want to audition for the All-State band, you need this book. All-State Prep for Trumpet covers everything you need to practice from the time after solo and ensemble contest (mid-Spring) until the day the All-State music is announced (late-Summer). The objective of the book is to help you sound more mature and stand out as a player. The concept is simple. If you are a high school student who sounds like a college player, you will guarantee your chances of winning the audition. Most students only strive to be as good as the rest of the students their age. As a result, it is difficult for the judges to tell them apart. They can sometimes know who the top two or three players are, and they almost always recognize the worst players in the room. But the ninety percent of the players between those extremes make up a pool of mediocrity that the judges are forced to choose from almost at random. Being one of those ninety percent is like playing the lottery. It becomes a game of chance. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you CAN sound like a college player if you focus on the right things. Judges are not impressed with the same things that impress high school trumpet players. They are not impressed with playing high, fast, or loud. They are impressed with musical maturity. All-State Prep for Trumpet will help you work on that musical maturity. This 77-page book is spiral-bound for easy reading and comfortable use on a music stand)