Excursions (6Pos) (Excursions was written in November 2002 for Texas A&M University low brass students Matthew Freeman, Daniel Martin and Jeremy Graham. The work musically portrays a journey to various sites in South America and adjacent Caribbean Islands. 1.Vistas - The opening movement sets up a visual overview of the expansive South American landscape. The movement combines subtle jazz episodes with an Andean-like folk melody as well as dramatic rhythmic passages. Prayers and Ritual - This movement sets the scene of a Catholic Church preparing to celebrate the Eucharist. It opens with call and response chants between priests and participants. The lively middle section serves as a musical backdrop as parishioners partake in the Holy Communion. At the conclusion of the ceremony, celebrates offer the final prayers, and the parishioners respond by singing Amen. Carnival - The final movement sets the scene of a traditional celebration thats widely held throughout South America and the Caribbean. This movement is characterised by its fast rhythms, strident dissonance, and Latin dance beat (a Brazilian Samba). Other features in this movement are the tense polyrhythmic passages that are used to make reference to African cultural influences.)