Overture and Sinfonia (Julius Cäsar) (414.01) (Neuheit Ensemble) Programme note: Giulio Cesare, written in 1724 for the Royal Academy of Music, had immediate success and remains one of Handels most performed operas. The action of the opera takes place in Egypt during the Roman Civil War of 47BC. The numbers here are the Overture which sets the scene fior the operas opening victory chorus and a Sinfonia taken from the final scene when Cesare pronounces Cleopatra Queen of Egypt. Performance note: Overture: The opening section should be played with vigour and clear articulation but without becoming heavy; longer notes should be shaped and lfted rather than sustained. The Allegro need not be too quick; remain controlled and elegant. The repeated notes at the beginning of the fugal motive may be shaped with a subtle crescendo and lightly marked to ensure that each entry is evident.