Trombone Concerto The composer was born in Kingston-on-Thames, England in 1941 and graduated from Cambridge University with a first class degree in music, and a subsequent doctorate. He spent two years at the Royal College of Music where he studied composition with Herbert Howells and conducting with Sir Adrian Boult: His output is prolific, particularly in large-scale forms and includes Symphonies, Concertos, major works for chorus and orchestra and a full-length Opera. As well as a considerable quantity of chamber, vocal and instrumental music, he has composed a substantial number of extended works for Brass Band and a Symphony and Sinfonietta for Wind Band. The first movement of Derek Bourgeois’ Trombone Concerto is constructed Classically: the solo trombone immediately launches into the opening theme in F minor, conceived harmonically in a sequence of descending thirds and it is the solo trombone too that introduces the lyrical second idea, in A flat. These contrasting subjects give the composer ample opportunity to let loose his fertile imagination, whether expanding on the Baroque qualities of the opening material in a fugato section, or boldly stating the romantic second theme leading to cascading sextuplets, or with the soloist presenting the first theme in augmentation against a ripple of semi-quavers. After this development, there is virtually a formal recapitulation and the soloist repeats the second theme in tonic (F) major. The movement closes with pianissimo chords - no great bravura here, but leading us in mood to the second movement which opens a tone lower in E flat. Here, the rich tone of the soloist is matched by three accompanying trombones - with the writing equalling the expressiveness of a cello quartet. Gradually the rest of the low brass join as the solo trombone weaves a seamless, almost Wagnerian theme, extending phrases sequentially. This movement has two separate thoughts and a Cornet answers the trombone with a new theme accompanied only by Baritones, Trombones, Euphoniums and Basses. Whilst most of the slow movement is contemplative, Bourgeois allows the band to unleash the full fortissimo passion implied in the second, cornet theme, before the movement closes as it began - but this time only two trombones accompany the soloist, and all three are muted. After the passion of the slow movement, Bourgeois adopts a Classical rondo form as a 6/8 Scherzo, marked Presto, which gives the release we need. It is fun, to be thrown off lightly as we enjoy the semitone shifts with a wry smile. Towards the end of the movement is a cadenza which alludes to the thematic content of the first movement, but aurally the hard work has been done, For the soloist however, the music requires a virtuoso combination of slide and tongue. Derek Bourgeois’ Trombone Concerto was commissioned by the British Trombone Society for the International Trombone Workshop at Eton, England, July 1989 with gratefully acknowledged assistance from Southern Arts. The world premiere was given by Christian Lindberg. A recording of the Concerto performed by Christian Lindberg and the City of London Wind Ensemble (conductor Geoffrey Brand) is available on LDR Records. Editions are also available with Piano, Orchestral and Brass Band accompaniment. It is equally appropriate to perform this work on the Euphonium, in which case the title should be shown as Concerto.